KM Slovakia VHA

On midishop web pages you can not only buy, but also sell. The serves offer an opportunity for all authors or midi, mp3 and text files who do not want to keep their work for themselves only and choose to offer them, for a reasonable price, to the public.

Selling your files:

To offer your work on midishop web pages, it is necessary to register (for more information on registration, see the "How buy?" section. It is also necessary to fill in the bank account details in the registration form to indicate which account should be on request credited with the money earned by selling files.

You can upload your files into the archive after logging into your user account in the "Upload" section, where you need to upload and enter the following:

  1. Complete file - which the users can download after purchasing the file
  2. Sample - an incomplete short demo file which the users of midishop can play, listen to and download free of charge
  3. Name of the artist, song and file type (midi, mp3, txt)
  4. Category which the file belongs to. If the pre-set categories are not sufficient, it is possible to add another on request.
  5. The "Karaoke midi" checkbox is applicable only with midi files, if the midi file is a karaoke, it is necessary to check it.
  6. Genre - it is necessary to indicate the genre of the song (optional)
  7. It is necessary to enter the song length in seconds, e.g. a song which is 2.5 minutes long, it is necessary to enter the song length 150 sec. With text files it is necessary to leave the song length 0 sec.
  8. Price - the end price for the file is entered here and will be displayed with the file to all server users. This price is in the event of a purchase divided in the following way: 75% author of the file and 25% server operator to cover the SOZA levies and operating costs (but at least 0.20 EUR for the operator).

Example 1:

When uploading the file, the author sets the price 1 EUR. After the file is downloaded by a server user the author's account is credited with 0.75 EUR and the operator's account with 0.25 EUR.

Example 2:

When uploading the file, the author sets the price 0.30 EUR. After the file is downloaded by a server user the author's account is credited with 0.10 EUR and the operator's account with 0.20 EUR.

If the author enters a price lower than 0.20 EUR, the system will automatically set the price to 0.20 EUR and after the file is downloaded by a server user, the author's account will be credited with 0 EUR and the operator's account with 0.20 EUR.

It is necessary to confirm the upload by clicking the "Add song" button.

In the "Upload" section authors can see a list of all songs offered by them.

The author can ask for payout after logging in in the "Credit history" section in the subsection "payout request", where they enter the requested amount and click the "Payout" button. The minimum price that can be paid is 20 EUR due to the overhead costs and bank fees. Outgoing payments in other currencies will be converted into EUR according to the exchange rate of National Bank of Slovakia for the day when the transfer is sent from our account.

It is advisable, especially with less known songs or folk songs and various folk mixes, to add also the original song in mp3 format or a text and add these files into the archive as well. The user who is interested in buying the song can find everything they need to work with the song in one place (midi, original song in mp3 and lyrics).

When selling files it is necessary to observe the server use operating conditions

Important notice:

Upload only files to which you have the relevant copyrights. Insert your trade marks into midi files. User accounts which are suspected of not observing copyrights will be blocked and cancelled.

Reklama SK VDA