KM Universal V

These web pages are dedicated to everyone interested in good music - modern, or folk, and especially to those working with midi files, but also everybody connected with music or music production in any way, or people who occasionally need to advertise in the music industry, or are looking for an advertisement. This server works as an e-shop, offering a wide range of songs (midi, mp3) and lyrics. On the midishop web page you can not only shop, but also sell and advertise, in compliance with server use operating

Introductory provisions

  1. Internet server "midishop") is a public informational and entertainment server providing private, natural, as well as legal persons (hereinafter "user") commercial and non-commercial services.
  2. The following terms regulate the conditions for the use of the midishop web pages by their users. The operator of the midishop internet server is, based on the collective licence agreement with Slovak Performing and Mechanical Rights Society (hereinafter "SOZA") Vlastimír Katuščák (hereinafter "operator").
  3. These operating conditions are an inseparable part of registration and the use of midishop.

User registration

  1. User registration is carried out online. In case of incorrect required user details the operator can block and deactivate the user account in question.
  2. The user is required to notify the operator of any changes in registration details during the use of midishop by updating their details in the personal profile in settings.
  3. The operator reserves the right to cancel the registration or prevent access of a user who breaches the server use operating conditions or generally binding legal regulations valid in the Slovak Republic.
  4. The user has no legal right to refund if the cancellation of their registration is based on their instance or their fault.

Data protection

  1. User's agreement: "By registering to the internet server I give consent to the operator to process my personal data pursuant to Law 428/2002 Coll. on protection of personal data in the scope of the registration form for the use of this portal.
  2. The operator undertakes to treat personal data protection under the laws in force in the Slovak Republic
  3. In cases set by the applicable legislation the operator shall on request submit relevant user data to competent authorities or law enforcement bodies.

User responsibilities

  1. The user undertakes to use midishop services in a way that does not violate any legal standards applicable in the Slovak Republic and shall not behave in conflict with general morality.
  2. They shall not openly or indirectly promote violence and any form of racism and racial or religious hatred.
  3. They shall not openly or indirectly advertise alcohol, tobacco, drugs, narcotics and their use.
  4. They shall not use vulgarisms, double entendres and any verbal or graphic representations that are inconsistent with general morality.
  5. They shall not endanger physical, mental or moral development of minors.
  6. They shall not promote any form of pornography and post messages and pictures with erotic content.
  7. They shall not promote a product whose purchase, offer or sale violate intellectual property rights of third parties (e.g. copyright or right to the protection of performances, trade mark rights, inventions, industrial designs, utility models) as well as other rights of third parties.
  8. They shall not offer or demand for goods of illegal origin, or which are otherwise contrary to legal regulations or morality.
  9. They shall not provide advertising, to any natural or legal person, any product or service - does not concern commercial relations negotiated between the user and the operator.
  10. They shall not state any information about another entity, in particular information misleading or offensive.
  11. They shall not circumvent the operating conditions of the use of midishop.
  12. The user may not in any way harm the operator. The user may not promote services provided by other entities on the portal that are or could be competitive in relation to the operator either directly or indirectly (e.g. by posting graphic, text or other information).
  13. All services provided to registered users may be used only for lawful purposes. Each user is responsible for the data uploaded to the server (files, advertisements, pictures). Transmission, storage or presentation of any information, data or materials that are contrary to the legislation of the Slovak Republic, public order or morality, is prohibited. The operator assumes no liability for damages in accordance with the quoted provision against a registered user or third parties.
  14. In the case of penalizing the operator for the user's breach of the obligations stated in these rules and generally binding legal regulations of the Slovak Republic, the user acknowledges that they are obliged to fully indemnify the operator for the damage caused.

Rights and obligations of the operator

  1. Operator, despite the efforts can not guarantee uninterrupted functionality, flawless operation and perfect security of the portal, and in this respect, the the operator provides no warranties to the users.
  2. Operator is not responsible for the content of files, truthfulness and correctness of advertisements, data and information and views published by users or for the publishing of photos, logos, or any post or banner, for which user does not have the right to disclosure under applicable laws.
  3. Failure to meet the conditions of use of midishop for adding files to archive and advertising can result in the files and adverts being removed from the archive without notice.
  4. The operator shall in no event be liable for damage caused directly or indirectly, of any kind (including losses resulting from lost profits or business interruption) resulting from use of this server, or inability to use this server, any web server, which refers to this site regardless of whether or not the operator was notified of the possibility of such damages.
  5. The operator is also not responsible for the relevance, accuracy and veracity of further links and is not responsible for any possible damage caused by their use to which it is possible to connect through links listed on the server. The operator does not guarantee optimal connection to the Internet portal. The operator is also not responsible nor liable for any part or the content of the information provided in the form of offers, advertisements or advertising or similar posts that are listed on the web portal by users.
  6. The operator of the server may, but is not obliged to, monitor or control any part of the server where users transmit or post their information and data.
  7. The operator is to a considerable extent only a sales agent and assumes no liability for quality, origin or legality of the sold files.


  1. The server and files bought herein are intended for the personal use of its users only.
  2. Any further dissemination or copying of the files, content of the internet-based system or any part thereof in any electronic, written or oral form without the explicit written consent of the operator is prohibited.
  3. The inclusion or processing of the content of the internet system or part thereof in any document is also prohibited.
  4. Any disruption or interference with the technical or content character of the internet portal is also prohibited.
  5. It is prohibited to use a photograph created by other users to advertise own item. To use such photograph, the consent of its author is required.
  6. The user who sells or advertises through this website and violates copyright and does not respect the trade marks may be prosecuted. The user bears all responsibility for the misuse of trade marks and copyrights.
  7. The user account of a user who does not respect the copyright and trade marks shall be cancelled.


  1. Every user is, after logging into their user account in the section "Advertisements" in compliance with the conditions of use of the server, able to post advertisements on the server into pre-set categories as well as to remove outdated advertisements from the server.

Commercial Advertising

  1. It is possible to place advertising banners of a 468x60 and 175x60 size in .gif format on the server.

Prices of Services

  1. Registration, user account and advertisements are free of charge.
  2. The operator is entitled to 25% of the total price of files sold on the server, but at least 0.2 EUR per download. These incomes are used to fund the levies for SOZA and server operating costs.

Final Provisions

  1. These conditions are designed in accordance with applicable laws and other laws of the Slovak Republic. Conditions can be regularly updated or otherwise modified without prior notice.
  2. It is in the interest of users to check these conditions regularly. As long as the user uses the site after a change in these conditions, it is considered that they agree with these changes.
  3. The use of the server is at user's own risk and responsibility.

KM Universal V dole